Tag: Rockville

6 Perfect Plants For Spectacular Spring Color

It is not too early to plant some annuals! It has been a long hard winter and we are all itching to get some color into our gardens. Before you run out to the nursery and load up on annuals, but beware, there is still a danger of frost and cold nights in our area which could kill some of the annuals nurseries are showing. Remember, it is the nursery’s


How To Design The Perfect Front Foundation Garden

Creating The Perfect Front Foundation Garden Is Easy If You Follow These Steps Let’s face it, a house without a foundation garden simply looks naked, sort of like a picture without a frame.  The right plants in front of a house not only hide the foundation, but if planned properly, enhance the beauty and value of a home dramatically. But where to start? A Layered Approach This may seem like


Montgomery County Police Want You To Know

Did you know that thefts from vehicles is the number one crime in Montgomery County. The best defense…lock your car and keep valuables out of sight. Here is the flyer the MC Police have asked to be distributed.


Will Salt Damage My Landscape?

Will Salt Damage My Landscape? Let’s put it this way. In ancient times, salt was used by armies as a biological weapon to destroy enemy’s fields and crops. So the short answer is yes, salt will damage landscape plants. Salt is made from sodium chloride. It is very useful for melting snow and ice, and good as a seasoning on the dinner table. It can and does damage landscape plants


Baby It’s Cold Out There

How Will The Cold Temperatures Affect My Landscape? With record breaking low temperatures (9 degrees this morning!), one would wonder if these conditions are bad for our landscape? Will these temperature harm or kill our plants? Plants Can Fend For Themselves Plants are well suited to deal with cold temperatures. Trees and shrubs go dormant. Perennials die back to the ground. However, there is some damage that can occur to


Seeing The Landscape In Winter

Winter may seem like the perfect time to take a vacation from your garden but, if used wisely, it can be an important time to lay down the ground work for making vast improvements. Just as plants are dormant and preparing to burst forth in the spring, so can us gardeners. A Time To Think About The Landscape During the warmer seasons we are busy with the day to day


Winter Weather Will Eventually Hit Montgomery County, MD – Are You Prepared?

Reprinted from the Weather Channel Every winter, people are injured or killed because they are unprepared or overconfident on snowy, icy roads. Even if you are a veteran driver from a Snow Belt state and don’t give venturing out in a blizzard a second thought, keeping these safety tips fresh in your mind can keep you on the road and in control. Make sure you and your car are properly


Where to Get Fresh Turkey Near North Potomac, Rockville, Darnestown and Potomac

Fresh is always better than frozen, and purchasing your Thanksgiving turkey either directly from one of these farms or their outlets is probably healthier too. Here is a list of farms and healthy grocery stores that you still have time to order you bird from: STRAIGHT FROM THE FARM: MAPLE LAWN FARMS    11788 Route 216, Fulton, Maryland 301-725-2074 www.maplelawn.com What’s for sale: Free-range Broad-Breasted Whites, 10-45 pounds. Price per pound:


Veterans Day Events in our Area

Tomorrow, November 11th is Veterans Day, a day when we honor our veterans for not only their service, but for allowing us through their service to lead the lives that we treasure. The following list details events throughout our area celebrating the service of our military men and women and honoring those that gave their lives. “African American Veterans Remembered, Honored,” pre-ceremony music by the U.S. Army Band; keynote address by