Tag: lawn care

7 Tips For Watering Your Lawn Properly

Mastering the Art of Watering: 7 Essential Tips for a Beautiful Lawn Proper watering is crucial for maintaining a healthy and vibrant lawn. In this article, we will explore the key factors to consider when it comes to watering your lawn, including understanding the watering needs of different grass types, the best time of day to water, techniques for efficient watering, signs of overwatering or underwatering, selecting the right sprinkler


How To Have A Beautiful Pesticide-Free Lawn

We often get asked; “Can we have a thick, green lawn without dangerous pesticides and lots of fertilizers?” The answer is a very strong – YES! That is, if you follow a recipe of correct cultural practices. The following practices are key to a pesticide-free lawn. Mowing at the proper height Maintaining the soil pH Aerating and overseeding annually And our secret ingredient, using bionutrients Mowing At The Proper Height


Why A Landscape Maintenance Program May Be Right For You

Introduction If you’re like me, then you’ve probably spent a lot of time in your yard – either relaxing or playing with your children. You’ve gotten to know it and enjoy spending time there. You know that it looks its best when maintained, but you also know that it’s hard work to keep things looking the way they should. That’s where we come in! With our landscape maintenance program, we


All About Our Pesticide-Free Lawn Care Program

To many, a lush, green lawn is a part of the American dream. Lawns are a place to play, to picnic, or to just watch a pet dog roll around. In a sense, they set the table for the rest of the landscape.A healthy lawn does a lot of good for the environment also. It filters water before it reaches the aquifer. Lawns cool the surroundings and reduce noise. They


Why Core Aeration Is So Good For Your Lawn

Core Aeration Is A Key To A Beautiful Lawn Let’s face it. The soil in our area is thick, compacted clay. Not exactly optimal for growing a nice lust lawn. The problem with clay is that it makes it difficult for air, water and nutrients to get to the root system where it is needed. It also holds on tightly to what nutrients are available, and does not release them


All About Our Child Safe, Pet Safe, Earth Safe Lawn Care Program

We Think You Will Love Our Safe Lawn Care Program A lush green lawn is part of the American dream. But does fulfilling that dream need to come with safety risks due to overuse of pesticides? Does a lawn care program really need to harm the earth? At Allentuck Landscaping Co., we do not think so. We believe one can have a beautiful lawn and still have it child safe,


Early Spring Lawn Care In Maryland

Tips For Early Spring Lawn Care In Maryland Hit the ground running this spring by getting your lawn off to a great start. Work done in early spring will pay off big dividends later in the ear in the form of a stronger, greener and healthier lawn. Add these six important to-dos to your list. Follow these tips for early spring lawn care in Maryland to have the best lawn


All About Our Hybrid Organic Lawn Care Program

Our Hybrid Organic Lawn Care Program is Kid Safe, Pet Safe, Earth Safe Safe lawn care is something we are all concerned about. We want to know that our lawns are safe for our children and our pets. We also want to make sure that what we put on our lawns is not harming the earth. At the same time, we all still want the American dream of a lush,


Benefits Of A Lawn Care Program

The Many Benefits Of A Lawn Care Program Spring is on the horizon which means it is one again time to start considering how to have the nicest, greenest, lushest lawn ever. There are generally two routes one can take; do it yourself, or hire a lawn care professional to do it for you. If you are considering doing it yourself, let us help make your decision a little easier.


Professional Lawn Care and Landscape Maintenance in Potomac, Maryland

Lawn and Landscape Maintenance Done Professionally Maintaining a beautiful landscape takes time and expertise. It is dirty, gritty work and must be completed consistently all season long for your property to look its best. Is this something you really want to do yourself? Allentuck Landscaping Co. offers professional lawn care and landscape maintenance in Potomac, Maryland. We consider landscape maintenance an art form. A beautifully maintained landscape with nice, crisp