Tag: Clarksburg

7 Tips For Watering Your Lawn Properly

Mastering the Art of Watering: 7 Essential Tips for a Beautiful Lawn Proper watering is crucial for maintaining a healthy and vibrant lawn. In this article, we will explore the key factors to consider when it comes to watering your lawn, including understanding the watering needs of different grass types, the best time of day to water, techniques for efficient watering, signs of overwatering or underwatering, selecting the right sprinkler


6 Plants For A Deer Resistant Plant Screen

6 Plants For Creating a Deer Resistant Plant Screen Are you tired of your garden becoming a buffet for local deer? Fear not! Creating a Deer Resistant Plant Screen is your ticket to reclaiming your outdoor space. By strategically selecting plants that deer tend to avoid, you can build a lush and protective barrier that keeps these hungry visitors at bay. In this guide, we’ll unveil six resilient plant species


5 Worst Pieces of Advice About Lawn Care

We’ve Debunked 5 Lawn Care Advice Myths There is a lot of bad lawn care advice floating around out there about lawn care. Some of it is urban myth. Some of it is spread by “know it alls”. Some of it is just a plain old fashioned cop out. We want to set the record straight on these lawn care myths once and for all so you can get your


Custom Patios and Landscaping In Clarksburg, Maryland

Looking For Custom Patios And Landscaping In Clarksburg, Maryland Adding  a custom patios and landscaping in Clarksburg, Maryland is a great way to improve the value of your home and create a great place to spend time with friends and family. At Allentuck Landscaping Co, we view patios as an extension of your home, your outdoor family room, so to speak. A place to spend quality time with family and


Finding The Right Lawn Care Company For You

Have You Found Your Lawn Care Company? Do you know what to look for when you hire a lawn care company? Don’t take a leap of faith when you hire someone to be on your property and trust someone to care for your valuable landscape. Find out the following information before you hire your next lawn care company. Does The Company Have Enough Knowledge And Experience To Care For Your


Lawn Care That Is Kid Safe, Pet Safe, Earth Safe

We All Want Lawn Care That Is Safe Safe lawn care is something that we are all concerned about. We want to know that our lawns are safe for our children and for our pets. We also want to make sure that what we put on our lawns is not harming the earth. At the same time, we all still want the American dream of a lush, green yard. It


11 December Landscape Tasks For Montgomery County, MD

Getting These  Tasks Done In December Will Pay Dividends Down The Road for your Montgomery County, MD landscape It may be December  but there us still a lot to do in your Montgomery County, MD landscape. December is a great time to divide perennials. It’s like getting free plants! Some of the easiest to divide include Hostas, Daylilies, Astilbe, Black Eye Susan and Purple Cone Flower. For easy to follow instructions


How To Divide Perennials

Dividing Perennials Dividing perennials is a great way to keep your garden from getting over crowded. It is also a great way to get new plants to spread to other parts of your landscape. One other side benefit, you can trade extra plants with friends for some of their extras. The following instructions are from Clemson University. Prepared by Karen Russ, HGIC Information Specialist & Bob Polomski, Extension Consumer Horticulturist,


Why Leaves Change Color

Why Leaves Change Color The Splendor of Autumn Every autumn we revel in the beauty of the fall colors. The mixture of red, purple, orange and yellow is the result of chemical processes that take place in the tree as the seasons change from summer to winter. During the spring and summer the leaves have served as factories where most of the foods necessary for the tree’s growth are manufactured.


The Ultimate Guide To An Extraordinary Patio – Part 2

Adding Special Features Will Make Your Patio Extraordinary This is the second part of a two part blog post. Part 1 focused on material selection and design (Part 1). This part will focus on patio features that you can add to a patio to make it extraordinary. Patios really are your outdoor family room. We go to a lot of trouble to make our indoor family room a great place