Month: August 2015

Pansies Offer Brilliant Fall Color For Your Landscape

Plant Fall Pansies This Fall By now your summer annuals are probably not looking so great. The heat and summer drought have taken their toll. Fear not, Pansies offer an easy and very colorful option for your fall garden. Pansies love the cool fall weather and will continue to push out blooms until the real cold temperatures arrive. In mild winters, they will live on to bloom again in the


Is Your Landscaper Safe?

Hiring A Safe Landscape Company Should Be A Big Part Of Who You Decide To Work With It may sound a bit basic, but is your landscaper safe? Every time your landscaper steps foot on your property, you are at risk. A landscape company that does not act safely could harm you, your family, your property or even themselves. This risk could come back to haunt you. Having safe practices,


Sure Has Been Dry. How To Water Your Garden

Your Plants Are Drying Up And Need Your Help Have you noticed how hot dry it has been lately? Your garden plants have. In fact, we have only had about an inch of rain in the last thirty days, and our plants are showing it. So, how can you help? Here are some tips to help your garden plants make it until we get some good rain and cooler weather.


All About Stone and Brick Paver Patios

Stone and Brick Paver Patios Can Vastly Improve Your Backyard Adding stone and brick paver patios to landscapes is a great way to improve the value of your home home and create a great place to spend time with friends and family. At Allentuck Landscaping Co, we view patios as an extension of your home, your outdoor family room, so to speak. A place to spend quality time with family


Should I Aerate and Overseed My Lawn?

Should I aerate and overseed my lawn? Aeration and overseeding are two of the most beneficial things you can do to maintain and improve a healthy lawn. Aerating Your Lawn Solves Two Problems Aeration solves two problems that afflict lawns in our area; compact soil and thatch.  Our soils are clay based and are naturally compacted. Try pushing your finger through a concrete block. That is what it feels like