Tag: mosquito

5 Ways To Eliminate Mosquitoes

Proven Methods To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes The stings of mosquitoes can ruin the time you spend outdoors. On top of that, they are vectors for some very serious diseases. Luckily, there are ways you can combat these pesky pests without a lot of work. Eliminate Standing Water Standing water provides an ideal place for mosquitoes to lay eggs, producing hundreds of more mosquitoes in a very short period of


All About Our Hybrid Organic Lawn Care Program

Our Hybrid Organic Lawn Care Program is Kid Safe, Pet Safe, Earth Safe Safe lawn care is something we are all concerned about. We want to know that our lawns are safe for our children and our pets. We also want to make sure that what we put on our lawns is not harming the earth. At the same time, we all still want the American dream of a lush,


Mosquitoes and Zika Virus

Mosquitoes and Zika Virus Expected in Maryland Yesterday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that the Zika Virus is “scarier than we initially thought” (CDC Statement). Maryland is expected to be within the range of states affected by the Asian Tiger Mosquito, the vector of Zika Virus. The CDC has lobbied Congress for $1.9 billion to combat the mosquito-borne virus. As summer approaches, officials are warning that


10 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes

Try These Plants That Repel Mosquitoes As the days get warmer our thoughts naturally turn to spending time outside. Playing in the yard, working in the garden and dining on the patio are all wonderful ways to spend our time. Unfortunately, with the rising temperatures, mosquitoes are also making an appearance. One of the ways to help keep pesky, and dangerous, insects away from us is to use plants that naturally