Category: DIY Monthly To-Do List

What Is The Correct Lawn Mowing Height

What Is The Best Height To Mow My Lawn? This is a question we get asked a lot, by both our clients and by homeowners. The reason it is asked is simple; the lower I mow my lawn, the less I have to mow it and the sharper it will look, right? Well, not exactly. The general rule about how much of your grass can be cut if with each


10 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes

Try These Plants That Repel Mosquitoes As the days get warmer our thoughts naturally turn to spending time outside. Playing in the yard, working in the garden and dining on the patio are all wonderful ways to spend our time. Unfortunately, with the rising temperatures, mosquitoes are also making an appearance. One of the ways to help keep pesky, and dangerous, insects away from us is to use plants that naturally


Winter Weather Is Coming. Are You Prepared?

Winter weather is on its way to Montgomery County. Make sure your are prepared. Reprinted from the Weather Channel Every winter, people are injured or killed because they are unprepared or overconfident on snowy, icy roads. Even if you are a veteran driver from a Snow Belt state and don’t give venturing out in a blizzard a second thought, keeping these safety tips fresh in your mind can keep you on


Sure Has Been Dry. How To Water Your Garden

Your Plants Are Drying Up And Need Your Help Have you noticed how hot dry it has been lately? Your garden plants have. In fact, we have only had about an inch of rain in the last thirty days, and our plants are showing it. So, how can you help? Here are some tips to help your garden plants make it until we get some good rain and cooler weather.


May Garden To Do List

May is the busiest of the garden months. There is a lot to get done so let’s get right too it. It is now safe to plant annual. There are so man to choose from so be creative. Cosmos, begonias, petunias, marigolds….just too many to name. Prune Azaleas, Rhododendrons and Lilacs as the flowers fade. This will direct more energy to new growth and next year’s buds. Make sure roses


6 Tips To Keep Weeds Under Control

Weeds In Your Garden Are As Inevitable As Death And Taxes If you were to name the worst garden task you need to do, I am willing to bet you would say weeding. Let’s face it. It is no fun, hard on the body and never ending. Weeds are tougher than your desirable plants that you worked so hard to grow. Weeds can grow just about anywhere and thrive. Weeds


Got Mulch?

Just as robins and daffodils are harbingers of spring, so are landscapers putting down mulch. A fresh application of mulch on one’s gardens is a great way to sweep away the gray of winter. Fresh mulch looks great on one’s gardens and simply gives a sense of a fresh start. It can also be one of the biggest tasks of the garden calendar and if you hire a company such


Landscaping Makes For Good Neighbors

Improve Your Landscape. Improve Your Neighborhood Everyone has one; that neighbor who just won’t mow their lawn or take care of their landscape. Their yard is an eyesore and worse, their lawn could be harvesting pest and their untidiness could be bringing down the value of your home! Are you that neighbor? Here are 6 things you can do to be a good landscape neighbor. Mow Your Lawn Overly long


6 Perfect Plants For Spectacular Spring Color

It is not too early to plant some annuals! It has been a long hard winter and we are all itching to get some color into our gardens. Before you run out to the nursery and load up on annuals, but beware, there is still a danger of frost and cold nights in our area which could kill some of the annuals nurseries are showing. Remember, it is the nursery’s


13 Garden Tips For April

13 Garden Tips for April To remove rust from garden tools, use a touch of motor oil and a steel-wool pad plus some elbow grease. It is safe now to plant hardy perennials, shrubs and trees but the word from the nursery industry is that they are running 2-3 weeks behind on getting plants in, especially from the south. Look for full nurseries and garden centers around mid-month. It is