Category: Allentuck Landscaping Co.

Hiring Your Next Maryland Landscape Company

Make Careful Consideration When Hiring Your Next Maryland Landscape Company Deciding which Maryland landscape company to hire is a big decision for any homeowner to make. After all, whoever is hired is charged with designing and installing an important improvement to one’s home. Whether you plan to add a new walkway and entry or a patio and outdoor living area, the project is an investment in your home. On top


5 Ways To Eliminate Mosquitoes

Proven Methods To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes The stings of mosquitoes can ruin the time you spend outdoors. On top of that, they are vectors for some very serious diseases. Luckily, there are ways you can combat these pesky pests without a lot of work. Eliminate Standing Water Standing water provides an ideal place for mosquitoes to lay eggs, producing hundreds of more mosquitoes in a very short period of


How To Recognize Poison Ivy

Avoid The Itch By Knowing What Poison Ivy Looks Like One of the most beautiful plants in the garden or forest also happens to be one of the most toxic. Most people do not want to admit that Poison Ivy is actually a very pretty plant. Painful rashes tend to do that to people. But when you consider the green-reddish leaves, the white dangling flower and the white berries that


Great New Resource For Your Garden

RightPlantz For A Better Garden At Allentuck Landscaping Co., we are passionate about landscaping and gardening so when we find another company that is equally as passionate, we want to share it. is a web based platform with a mission to grow better gardeners. has something for all gardeners whether they are green and new to gardening, or are experienced and have giant green thumbs. The Find Plantz


All About Our Hybrid Organic Lawn Care Program

Our Hybrid Organic Lawn Care Program is Kid Safe, Pet Safe, Earth Safe Safe lawn care is something we are all concerned about. We want to know that our lawns are safe for our children and our pets. We also want to make sure that what we put on our lawns is not harming the earth. At the same time, we all still want the American dream of a lush,


The Advantages Of Hiring A Residential Landscape Company

What A Residential Landscape Company Can Do For You It seems like many landscape contractors want to be all things to all types of customers. They take on a multitude of different kinds of properties and end up delivering mediocre service to all of them. Can a landscaper who one days services a shopping center, the next day a warehouse park, really provide good service to your home on the


8 Things To Ask When Hiring A Landscape Company

Expert Advice On How To Hire A Top-Notch Landscape Company It is exciting to envision a landscape project and then start the process of interviewing a potential landscape company to make it come to life. Whether you are re-doing the front foundation of your home or building a new outdoor living space in our backyard, it is a big undertaking. Figuring out how to select the right and responsible landscape


Professional Lawn Care and Landscape Maintenance in Potomac, Maryland

Lawn and Landscape Maintenance Done Professionally Maintaining a beautiful landscape takes time and expertise. It is dirty, gritty work and must be completed consistently all season long for your property to look its best. Is this something you really want to do yourself? Allentuck Landscaping Co. offers professional lawn care and landscape maintenance in Potomac, Maryland. We consider landscape maintenance an art form. A beautifully maintained landscape with nice, crisp


Custom Patios and Landscaping In Clarksburg, Maryland

Looking For Custom Patios And Landscaping In Clarksburg, Maryland Adding  a custom patios and landscaping in Clarksburg, Maryland is a great way to improve the value of your home and create a great place to spend time with friends and family. At Allentuck Landscaping Co, we view patios as an extension of your home, your outdoor family room, so to speak. A place to spend quality time with family and


Landscape Hospitality

I have talked a lot about how we do not lose customers because of bad landscaping. We do a great job on our properties and with our projects. Quality is not an issue. We lose customers when someone does not think we care about them or their home. Doing a good job is not enough. Think about how you feel when checking into a hotel and the front desk clerk