Month: May 2017

How To Wow! Your Home’s Front Landscape

Your Home’s Front Landscape Should Make you Proud To Come Home Your front yard is the first thing people see when they arrive. More importantly, it is the first thing you see when you arrive home. It should highlight the style and character of your home and make a bold statement. Add a few of these landscaping and hardscaping features to create an inviting entrance that will make you proud


What To Look For When You Hire A Landscape Contractor in North Potomac, MD

Looking to hire a landscape contractor in North Potomac, MD? It is easy, if you know what to look for. There have been a rash lately of unscrupulous people posing as landscape companies in North Potomac, MD and taking advantage of elderly residents (See Washington Post article). Do you know what to look for before you hire a landscape contractor? Here are 5 things to find out. 1. Reputation This seems


8 Best Garden Plants For Attracting Butterflies

Plant These Plants For Attracting Butterflies To Your Garden Butterflies are a delight to have in one’s garden. Attracting butterflies to your garden is easy. It is important to plant the one thing they cannot resist, flowers. Flowers and butterflies go hand in hand. As a poet once pointed out, butterflies are flying flowers, and flowers are tethered butterflies. Here are 8 of the best plants for attracting butterflies to


8 Deer Resistant Perennials

Try These Deer Resistant Perennials In Your Garden If you are reading this you already know that damage to landscape plants in Montgomery County, Maryland by White Tail Deer has increased dramatically over the last few years. Hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to gardens has occurred. The problem has become worse because of a rising deer populations, encroachment of human’s into the deer’s natural territory and the


Allentuck Landscaping’s Inside Dirt – May 2017

Are We There Yet? One of the down sides to having a warm winter is that spring seems to drag on forever. Don’t get me wrong, I love spring and the opportunity to get more work done sure beats the alternative. But it can be exhausting for everyone. We are all working extra hours and the fact that there does not seem to be any light at the end of


Allentuck Landscaping – May 2017 Safety Line

Seguridad del extintor de incendios Cómo extinguir pequeños incendios de forma adecuada Los extintores de incendios están diseñados para extinguir incendios pequeños en sus primeras etapas cuando el fuego presenta un riesgo relativamente menor para el operador. Un extintor puede utilizarse en lo que se conoce como etapa incipiente, es decir, cuando el fuego: Es leve. Aumenta lentamente. Hay poco humo. Hay poco calor. Si el fuego es demasiado extenso,


How To Design Your Backyard Landscape Paradise

You Deserve A Little Backyard Landscape Paradise Your backyard landscape should be your escape from this crazy world. It is not too early to start thinking about creating your own backyard getaway. Nothing beats being able to step out your backdoor into your very own private oasis. Here are 6 things you can do to bring this vision to life. Create a Picture Perfect Patio We consider patios to be